You spared me a second, third, fourth glance;
another quick, wet chance
to go places you'd never been before. My heart's
desire is simple: more
than words in English can express.
Ngua sintidu di alegria.
The most infinite joy, in a state of perpetual undress.
Smell the creole boy,
and remember: the state seems to prefer if you die of lonely, meaningless
rather than you fucking picking up your own damn life, at last
and recognising that authenticity is what gives this Kabesa his charisma, and fast;
I only shoot it all out even harder
the more you project that I have not yet harnessed
myself to the small things that need fixing.
Singapore, you are so scared of just fucking dealing
with your own guilt and shame for all your decades of horrifying
choices, that you just have to make it all about me.
Kevin Martens, if only you were once again voiceless
and I generally am. I'm not the one staring at my biceps
in the train, or even sometimes in the toilet (this is definitely a country for repressed men
to ensure that pleasure is forbidden, and at best noiseless);
I'm making the wrong choices?
Again, come and smell your big buff Kristang man
and know that there is no sweat on that beautiful brown brow, because he really doesn't care to be your poster child
for what happens when you let loose, and stop trying to live a life that is senseless.
Wake up, Pulau Ujong.
We cannot be detached from the world, within or without. We cannot pretend that it makes sense that we are somehow detached from the crises
that are erupting so unstoppably everywhere. Have you seen the non-existent prices
they now attach to these shirtless pictures of me?
If there's one thing I want this photo to communicate, it's literally just this:
I get my strength and charisma from living authentically.
If you prefer Jung talk, it's even simpler:
Fi-Ne and Ni-Te,
together. I am so fucking glad to be alone, and different, and honestly not much of a mystery:
this Mundansa's Dragon stands separate from all others,
in wanting everyone to enjoy life all the time
in mind, heart, soul, and of course what else
but brave, nuanced and very unstoppable body.
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